I've decided to do this thing that's sort of a combination of the Project 365 deal, where people post a picture everyday, and the subplot in the movie Knocked Up where a guy loses a bet and can't shave or cut his hair for an extended period of time. So, for the next year, I intend to not shave or cut my hair while posting a picture of the results everyday. Of course, I didn't lose any bet, so, what are my reasons for doing this? Honestly, I really don't have any, at least nothing good. It just seemed like something to do. One of my hopes is that, since doing this will at least get me on my blog regularly, maybe I'll actually start writing things in it. I have no idea what sort of things those might be, but I sincerely hope that they won't be as awkwardly written or terrible as the preceding paragraph.
Anyway, I thought, if I'm going to grow my hair out for a year, why not start from nothing? So, I decided to take it all off, as they say. Again, no real reason for doing this, except that I'd never done it before and was curious as to what it would look like. (The answer: not as bad as I thought.) Now. there are several fears that go into doing this. First, I can say, with a fair amount of certainty, that I am going to go bald one day. Everyone says that the baldness gene comes from your mom's side, and my maternal grandfather has been bald for as long as I've known him. Also, my brother, who is almost three years younger than me, has already started to lose his hair, and our hair types are very similar. So, I worry that doing this might somehow hasten the balding process, and that my hair might not grow back, or at least may not return fully to the luxurious volume that I've been accustomed to. My second fear is that my ten month old daughter my not recognize me and will possibly freak out for a bit. I'm thinking that if this happens, though, that it should only be a momentary thing. Also, I worry about when it starts getting later in the year and I start to look like Grizzly Adams. I just hope that there are no upscale type events that I have to go to late in the year.
So, there you have it. The mission statement of Dirty Man 365. I'll definitely keep this up, at least until I get bored, or lazy, or my wife gets fed up and makes me shave it.
I love it man! Good luck. I'll be checking in daily.