Thursday, January 17, 2013

Track Listings 1/17/13

Distance: 2.01mi
Time: 17:52
Pace: 8:54

      Skipped my run Tuesday due to the icy conditions and whatnot. It wasn't exactly warm today, but at least it wasn't freezing/wet/slippery.

1. Vampire Weekend - One (Blake's Got a New Face)
     No idea what this songs about, but it definitely will get stuck in my head every time I hear it. It was a nice bouncy little number to start off on I thought.

2. AC/DC - Hell's Bells
     Wow, an honest to goodness rock and roll song coming on my iPod, how often does that happen? I kinda felt like this one dragged a little bit at the beginning on the intro part with the bells ringing, but once it kicked in, it was just fine.

3. Elton John - Honky Cat
      A nice, bouncy piano number, this one worked ok. There was a line in this song towards the end, that came one when I was kind of dragging. It was something like: "How can you stop when your feet say go." And I was like, right on, Elton.

4. The Clash - Police and Thieves
     I don't know if it gets much better as far as running songs for me. A nice straightforward beat and some crunchy guitar. It was a good way to end it today.

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